World Debate

Each year, the CSDF sends a team to represent Canada at the World Schools Debating Championships (WSDC). This tournament is hosted by a competing nation and is the highest level of high school debate in the world. Canada is one of the only nations to attend every WSDC since its inception and has traditionally performed very well in the tournament, last winning the Championships in 2020 and 2021.

Team Canada is managed within the CSDF by a committee of experienced debate coaches, organizers and judges. The 2021-22 committee is chaired by Joshua Judah (NS) and consists of Frankie Cena – board liaison (ON), Jason Hong (AB), Alexander Beaumont (BC) and Dena Tabyanian.  Team Co-Coaches (2), Brent Schmidt, and Arsalan Ghaemi, both serve as ex officio-members, and Frankie Cena as the Worlds’ Officer.

If you are interested in being a part of Team Canada or looking for information on the selection process, visit our Selection Process page or email us at

Team Canada Policies and Other Documents, as of January 2022: All students and adults working with Team Canada are required to be well versed on all of the documents below, failure to do so may result in their removal from Team Canada activities.