Board and Officers
Each year at the Annual General Meeting, a new Board of Directors for the Canadian Student Debating Federation is elected by the representatives of the current member organizations. The Board is comprised of up to ten individuals and anyone nominated by a member organization can be elected to the Board. To ensure regional representation, the Board must contain at least one member from each of our four regions: the North (YK, NT, NU), the West (BC, AB, SK), the Centre (MB and ON), and the Atlantic (QC and the Maritimes) provided that willing candidates from each of these regions are available.
The membership elects a President, Director of French Language Debate and between five and eight other directors. Once elected, the Board has the responsibility for the appointment of officers, including Treasurer, Solicitor, Discipline Officer, Committee Chairs, Worlds Officer and Liaisons to external organizations as deemed necessary by the Board.
Throughout the year, the Board maintains contact with member organizations, coordinates with the upcoming Seminar Host, allocates funding under the McLeese Opportunities Fund and attends to administrative details required by the CSDF.
Past Presidents listing can be found here!
2024-2025 Board:
Chris George | President | QC | |
Brian Casey | Secretary | NS | |
Rob McLeese | Director, McLeese Family; Speech and Debate Canada | ON | |
Alexander Beaumont | Director of French Debate | QC | |
Arghya Dev Biswas Aryan | Director | BC | |
Director | |||
2024-2025 Officers:
Vinayak Mishra | Solicitor | |
Rudi Lof | Fundraising Officer | |
Chris George | Discipline Officer | |
2024-2025 Worlds Committee:
Joshua Judah | Committee Chair | |
Jason Hong | | |
Alexander Beaumont |
Board Liaison Worlds Voting Officer | |
Leora Diakuw | | |
Rudi Lof | Fundraising Officer | |
Gab Duguay Ella Waxman | |
** Brent Schmidt ** Arsalan Ghaemi |
Co-Coach Co-Coach |